Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book: A Stylish Tribute to Iconic Fashion


When we think of iconic fashion, certain images immediately spring to mind—Carrie Bradshaw strutting down the streets of New York in her Manolo Blahniks, Samantha Jones turning heads with her bold and fearless style, Charlotte York embodying classic elegance, and Miranda Hobbes mastering the art of professional chic. These images aren’t just random memories; they’re cultural landmarks, largely thanks to the groundbreaking series Sex and the City. The show wasn’t just about friendship, love, and the pursuit of happiness in the Big Apple—it was also about fashion. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book is a testament to this very fact, capturing the essence of the series’ style and influence on fashion trends around the world.

The Making of a Fashion Phenomenon

From its inception, Sex and the City was destined to become a fashion phenomenon. Patricia Field, the visionary costume designer behind the series, transformed the wardrobes of its characters into a fashion bible for women everywhere. Each outfit was meticulously curated to not only reflect the character’s personality but also to make a statement. And boy, did those statements resonate! The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book takes readers on a behind-the-scenes journey into how these iconic looks were crafted, revealing the inspiration and artistry that went into each ensemble.

Patricia Field: The Architect of Style

Patricia Field isn’t just a costume designer; she’s a fashion icon in her own right. Known for her eclectic and daring style, Field’s approach to dressing the characters of Sex and the City was nothing short of revolutionary. She believed that fashion was a form of self-expression and pushed the boundaries of what was considered stylish at the time. This philosophy is beautifully encapsulated in the Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book, where readers can delve into Field’s creative process and the stories behind some of the most memorable outfits.

The Evolution of Carrie Bradshaw’s Style

Carrie Bradshaw, played by Sarah Jessica Parker, quickly became a fashion icon, and her style evolved significantly throughout the series. In the early seasons, Carrie’s wardrobe was quirky, colorful, and often featured vintage pieces—reflecting her eclectic personality. As the series progressed, her style matured, incorporating more high-end designer pieces, yet always maintaining that whimsical touch that fans loved. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book chronicles this evolution, offering insights into how Carrie’s style mirrored her personal growth and experiences.

Key Fashion Moments in Sex and the City

It’s impossible to discuss Sex and the City without highlighting some of its most iconic fashion moments. From the tutu in the opening credits to the “naked dress” that left Mr. Big speechless, these outfits have become synonymous with the show’s legacy. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book revisits these moments in vivid detail, providing fans with an up-close look at the garments that made television history.

The Tutu: A Fashion Revolution

When you think of Sex and the City, one of the first images that probably comes to mind is Carrie Bradshaw in her white tutu, walking the streets of Manhattan in the show’s opening credits. This tutu wasn’t just a costume; it was a statement. At a time when tutus were confined to ballet stages, Patricia Field took a bold step by making it a central piece in the wardrobe of a fashion-forward New Yorker. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book explores the significance of this outfit and how it came to symbolize Carrie’s character—free-spirited, playful, and unapologetically unique.

The “Naked Dress”: Daring and Memorable

Another unforgettable fashion moment is the “naked dress”—a slinky, slip dress that Carrie wears on a date with Mr. Big. The dress, while simple, was daring in its own right, pushing the boundaries of what was considered acceptable on television at the time. It perfectly encapsulated Carrie’s boldness, confidence, and willingness to take risks, both in fashion and in life. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book offers a deep dive into the impact of this dress, not only on the show’s narrative but also on fashion trends worldwide.

The Power Suit: Miranda’s Statement Piece

Miranda Hobbes, played by Cynthia Nixon, often opted for power suits that reflected her ambitious, no-nonsense personality. These suits were more than just clothing—they were a symbol of Miranda’s determination to succeed in a male-dominated world. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book highlights how these power suits became a signature of Miranda’s character, blending style with professionalism in a way that was revolutionary for women’s fashion in the early 2000s.

The Influence of Sex and the City on Fashion

Sex and the City didn’t just reflect fashion trends—it set them. The show had a profound impact on the fashion industry, influencing how women dressed and what they aspired to wear. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book delves into this influence, exploring how the show’s fashion moments were not only trend-setting but also cultural milestones.

The Rise of Designer Collaborations

One of the most significant impacts Sex and the City had on fashion was the rise of designer collaborations. The show introduced audiences to luxury brands like Manolo Blahnik, Jimmy Choo, and Dior, making high fashion more accessible and desirable to the masses. Suddenly, every woman wanted a pair of Manolos, and designers saw the value in partnering with television shows to reach a broader audience. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book explores how these collaborations changed the fashion landscape, leading to the celebrity-designer partnerships that are commonplace today.

Fashion as a Form of Empowerment

Sex and the City also redefined fashion as a form of empowerment. Each character used her wardrobe to express her individuality, confidence, and ambition. Whether it was Samantha’s bold, sexy outfits, Charlotte’s classic, feminine looks, or Miranda’s sharp, tailored suits, fashion was a way for these women to assert their identities in a world that often tried to define them. The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book captures this ethos, showing how fashion can be more than just clothing—it can be a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment.

FAQs: Everything You Need to Know

What is the Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book?

The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book is a comprehensive guide to the fashion of the iconic television series Sex and the City. It offers insights into the creation of the show’s most memorable outfits, the influence of Patricia Field’s styling, and the impact the series had on the fashion industry.

Who is Patricia Field?

Patricia Field is the costume designer behind Sex and the City. Known for her eclectic and bold style, Field played a crucial role in transforming the show’s characters into fashion icons. Her work on the series has left a lasting legacy in the world of fashion.

What are some of the most iconic fashion moments in Sex and the City?

Some of the most iconic fashion moments include Carrie Bradshaw’s tutu from the opening credits, the “naked dress” she wore on her date with Mr. Big, and Miranda Hobbes’ power suits. Each of these outfits played a significant role in shaping the show’s legacy and influencing fashion trends.

How did Sex and the City influence fashion?

Sex and the City had a profound impact on fashion, popularizing luxury brands and designer collaborations, and redefining fashion as a form of empowerment. The show’s influence extended beyond the screen, shaping how women dressed and how they perceived fashion as a tool for self-expression.


The Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book is more than just a book—it’s a celebration of fashion, individuality, and the enduring legacy of one of television’s most stylish series. Through its pages, readers can relive the magic of Sex and the City, exploring the artistry and creativity that made its fashion moments iconic. Whether you’re a die-hard fan of the series or simply a lover of fashion, this book is a must-have addition to your collection.

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This article captures the essence of the Sex and the City Kiss and Tell Fashion Book, offering readers a comprehensive and engaging exploration of its impact on fashion.