How to clean out your closet this year


Style is our obsession! We love style, but we also love a clean closet. It’s hard to get rid clothes. But it can be done. This will allow you to have more room for the pieces that are most important to you. A well-organized closet will also reduce the amount of time you spend getting ready for work each morning. ).

Before the Big Clean Out Day, gather a few items (including a friend who can help you with tough love for any questionable items).

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Donation Boxes

Avoid putting clothes in the garbage. You can donate any clothes that are clean, free from stains and tares to a shelter for women or a secondhand shop. If they are made of natural fiber, things that aren’t in good enough condition to wear can be used for household cloths and even composted.

An Evening

You can decide in advance when you will be organizing and then mark your calendar. This way you won’t be tempted by the temptation to change your plans or go out for brunch. If you are a serious clotheshorse, plan for at least half an hour. Depending on the scope of your project, you’ll need to take breaks for food and get some fresh air.

Refer a Friend

Are you a friend who is also a good shopping buddy? You might consider asking your friend to help you with this task. Someone who can help you make decisions, understands your life and what you wear, and helps you keep strong when you have to make difficult choices (e.g., leave the poofy prom gown for sentimental reasons and buy 3 pencil skirts and 2 button-downs). You can keep them happy by providing coffee and take-out lunch.

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What to keep in your closet

This part is difficult for some, while others find it easy. Whatever your opinion, organizing is not possible without getting rid of the things you don’t wear. You don’t want your closet to become a clutter when you are rushing for work or getting ready for a date. Your closet should be filled with clothes that fit well, are stain- and tear-free, look good with other items, and have a minimal amount of excess.

How do you decide what to keep?

These are the questions to ask when choosing your sartorial all star lineup.

Is it making me feel great?

Do I like the way it looks on me?

Is it in great shape?

Is it compatible with many of my other all-stars,

Are you able to maintain it? If you do not make a weekly trip, great. But if that is the case, consider rethinking items that are difficult to clean.

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What to toss in your closet

It would be wrong to keep a friend who makes you feel bad around, so why have a skirt with a baggy fit, a stained top or jeans from the 90s? It’s okay to keep a few items for sentimental reasons. But for the majority, it’s not a good idea.

How to choose what to throw away

Before you make your final decision about what to leave behind, these are some questions to consider:

You can’t wear a piece that doesn’t match the rest of your wardrobe.

If there are any cosmetic issues

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It’s not in good repair, or it just exists to make you look bad around the house.

How to organize your closet

Are you ready for closet nirvana to be achieved? You are now ready to channel your interior design genius and transform your closet into an amazing fantasy. You can arrange your clothes so that they are neat and easy to find. Find inspiration wherever you want when organizing. But, don’t forget to check out our basics tips.

Hanging space

To save time while getting ready, you can divide your clothes into different categories. Separate first by type (layering tank tops, tops by sleeves length, skirts and shorts, as well as dresses and sweaters), and then by color (lightest to darkest). Excessive? It’s not! It’s worth the effort. For your coats, tops, and bottoms, invest in non-slip hangers. Next, arrange everything in the same direction. It not only saves space but also gives you a clear view of your possessions. This gives your wardrobe a clear, color-focused look that is 100% social-media-friendly.

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Bins and shelves

You don’t have to hang everything. Learn how to fold and store sweaters on shelves. Learn how to fold shelves for maximum space-saving. Bins are great for organizing smaller items such as underwear, socks, and scarves if you have enough space.

Drawers and Folding Space

You are lucky enough to have drawers built into your closet or dresser. Although drawers can be used for socks, underwear, and t-shirts is fine and even advisable, drawers can also be used to store jewelry and other accessories with some imagination. You can find jewelry organizer trays or be creative and use small open-top boxes to nestle in drawers. This will allow you to store your favourite baubles, belts, and beads.

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